MYSTIC Grit Neoprene Hoodie 2mm

jetzt 127,99 €
inkl. 19% USt. , Versandkostenfreie Lieferung
Unser Preis bisher: 159,99 €
Unser Preis bisher: 159,99 €
(Du sparst 20%, also 32,00 €)

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A hoodie for when you're on the water? Yes, it's a thing – and if you haven't tried it then the Grit hoodie is the perfect place to start. Made with 2mm neoprene, this sweater is wind and water-resistant, making it the perfect additional layer for on the water.
Hersteller: Mystic
Kategorie: Tops
Artikelnummer: AR20240328152
North Actionsports Group
Lageweg 34
2222AG Katwijk


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