Mystic Star S/S Quickdry

jetzt 31,99 €
inkl. 19% USt. , zzgl. Versand
Unser Preis bisher: 39,99 €
Unser Preis bisher: 39,99 €
(Du sparst 20.01%, also 8,00 €)

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It's in the name – the Star Quickdry is your go-to short-sleeved shirt for warmer spots and will dry up fast after your sessions. It will also prevent your skin from chaffing against anything or burning from the sun with UV protection of UPF 50+. Out of the water, you'll find that the material is super breathable and won't stick, so that you can continue your day without having to change right away. Who knows – you might just head back in for your next session sooner than you thought!
Hersteller: Mystic
Kategorie: Rash & Quickdry
Artikelnummer: AR2022121719
North Actionsports Group
Lageweg 34
2222AG Katwijk


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